This is the gun that Kerby Smith of Para USA, Inc., whom I've known since I used to work as a Safety Officer at the IDPA Nationals, promised at the NRA show this spring to loan to me for T&E. I'd seen one of their little bitty LDA 9mm carry guns that Michael Bane's told you about the previous spring at the Jeff Cooper Memorial in New Mexico. I told Kerby that most of the folks who I knew were very interested in a Commander-sized 9mm for practice and training and instruction. So Kerby, being the generous soul that he is (or just plain nuts, you decide) agreed to send me one. Some delay and several emails later, which must have had Kerby pulling his hair and debating the wisdom of ever agreeing to do this, here it is. Or, here it ALMOST is! Nearly. Kinda. Sorta.
Not much longer now. Be still, my heart!
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