I still miss Seamus. Every time I see a photo of him smiling at me, those brown eyes glistening, I talk to him and tell him how much I miss him. Can't help it. He was so sweet.
But to use a phrase both trite and oh, so true - life goes on. The pack survives.
Last fall we added two girls to the family, a mere two years after we got Bodi from the woman who rescued him. He'd been on a chain and neglected, occasionally even beaten by people who kept him tied out and isolated. He's the sweetest guy you can imagine, always smiling, always happy to say hello to everyone, powerful as a bull and boy, has he got FOCUS!

(click on pictures to view enlarged)
Then there was TeeTee. Since last summer I'd been trying to rescue this girl from her chain. The woman who had her said that she wanted to find a home for her, but she was dragging her feet about giving her up to me, saying her children would be heartbroken if she gave her away. I guess that may have been so, but it wasn't doing anything for poor TeeTee. She pined away on a chain, staring at the house, wondering why she was being left outside while everyone else was inside together and she was alone. For a mastiff, this kind of isolation is a slow death. They live to be your companion.

(click to view enlarged)
During that time I found Josie at Holly's Place rescue. The woman who was fostering her loved her, but she was proving to be too much of a physical challenge for her. I wanted a big girl to play with my boys and was getting nowhere liberating TeeTee so I asked to adopt her. What a beauty! She's likely a Golden Retriever and either St. Bernard or Great Pyrenees mix, long and tall and athletic, bullheaded and determined and protective as all get out! She's my new velcro dog, never far from me, always wanting to see what I'm doing, wanting to be in the middle of things. I know it was hard for Katy to give her up, and we're doing our best to keep her happy here with us. Look at that grin! -

And then three weeks after Josie came to live with us, the woman who had TeeTee called me and asked if I still wanted her. I already had six BIG dogs, since Josie had joined us, but how could I say no? She had to come off that chain so I drove out and got her and brought her home. I think she looks a lot happier now -

Just like Josie (heck, just like the whole flippin' crew!) she loves to lie next to me on the bed and press herself against me and settle in snugly to sleep. Wherever we are she leans close and has me rub her ears and scratch her soft coat. We're still getting her neck healed up where the lesions were from the chain and the collar rubbing her raw. It's slow, but much better than it was the first time I saw her -

But more importantly, she has a home where it's warm and dry and she has companions to play with and treats and affection, goes for rides in the car and romps at the river and all the things that a sweet girl like her deserves.
And while I still miss Seamus sorely, daily, my furbies keep me grounded and sane and happy. God love 'em!

Beautiful dogs, and so lucky to have you. There have been many a night over the years where Barkley was my only company, by the constant moving around for work, by choice sometimes. I'd not give him up for anything and he has a warm loving home here, amongst all the activity.
Barkley obviously has it good and he knows it, you can see how happy he is in the pics on your pages!
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