Since that last post in July the world has turned almost upside down. In Haiti it DID turn upside down. But I've been holding back from posting anything because I was busy with new dogs and having surgery on my knee and KC3 and work and you name it. Plus, I always get nervous whenever I feel like I'm under pressure to perform. This blog is supposed to be fun, right?
So now we have SEVEN dogs in the pack, with the addition of Josie from the Holly's Place rescue, and of Teetee who was rescued from her life on a chain out in the boonies. Both of these lovely girls weigh 100 pounds and are as gentle as the day is long, and you'll see more of them here.
Aside from that, I've lost 20 pounds from a combination of deliberate dieting and of lack of appetite from pain pills after surgery. They used to call it "the heroin diet" when celebrities and supermodels became ghastly gaunt from their drug habits. Nothing so very interesting here - you take pain pills, you don't eat. Simple. But now the knee is moving wonderfully well and the pain is much less, thank you. Got to keep that weight loss going, though, toward a goal of 40 pounds down.
The Kentucky Coalition to Carry Concealed (KC3) is moving to introduce a bill in the legislature that will extend the right to carry to college campuses, where they can at present ban it in defiance of common sense and logic. If you follow our blog then you'll be able to see how we're doing with that.
There's lots more, of course, including thoughts on the political process as it's being played out here in the US, but no time to write about it now. Just wanted to say 'hi!' and tell you that we're still here and getting ready to get back into it once more.